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Childhood Dream

Childhood dream is that big dream that we did not dream about when we grow up. The interruption of dreams In growing up and turning into serious things is because of (dream crushers) or dream spoilers. If you are told not to dream, because dreams do not bring good, then I disagree with the opinion of whoever said this. There is a difference between a dream and long hope. A dream is a vision and a desire to achieve it, and long hope is laziness linked to dependency and dependence on others rather than oneself. Long hope + dependence on others = failure and failure of a dream + trust in God as is the right to trust = amazing success. These equations are not like difficult mathematics equations, but rather they are a very easy equation. Every little child, before he walks, if you stand next to him, will wave his hands towards you as if he is saying to you: Carry me and lift me up, for I do not like to remain on the ground after that. If this child remains on the ground and no one carries him, he will struggle to stand even though he is greatly hurt by repeated falls. This determination is from God, out of generosity, kindness, and mercy from God Almighty. If this child’s intention changes and he is surrounded by ignorant and discouraged people, he will follow them and become like them.

Let's go back to dreams

How many children said when they were young (I want to become a doctor). The reason for this is that they firmly understood from those around them that the doctor is the highest rank. It can be obtained from studying, but they did not know that success does not only mean medicine, but rather every field in which its owner excels is success and height. If the vocalist, reader, writer, poet, engineer, veterinarian, etc., all of them excel in their fields, they rise, rise, and become known... The evidence is that the child always dreams of being first and ahead of all other people because high determination is planted within him. If you see a cowardly child, a lazy child, or a child who does not like success, know that threads of failure have bound him. Either these threads are from his family or from his peers. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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